Saturday, July 18, 2009


As some of you know im going to be in Germany very soon and so i thought id start another personal blog to put things in when i get home, also a place to pose random questions, literary works, when i have them, fanfiction and random blurbs thought id let people know and this was one way to do so.

heres the link

hopping everyone is well, Sari

Monday, March 30, 2009

Last blog post..............for now

well this is it folks the last one........

kay for a sec i was sad.......

so i guess i liked this unit i loved my piece and research and learned a lot of cool stuff, but some of the presentations seem kinda boring and im sure not every one liked mine so.
i think alot of people didnt do alot on the progect and i think the timing was off and it all kinda seemed disjointed but who knows.

all in all good project mrs hodge

Peace out

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


"As to why I write what I write? That varies from project to project."

"The first is the idea of transcendence and of making myth. I've often heard fantasy referred to as the fiction of escapism in a derogatory way, but I think escapism is really a way for us to transcend the occasionally dismal ordinariness of day to day life, something that allows us to feel as though we are part of some greater world of myth and legend. People need myth, they need stories that model a better place or a happy ending. I'm a strong believer that reading should be an act that brings joy to the reader. Escapism isn't something to be ashamed of, it's a high virtue of fiction and a fundamental part of being human. WebMage is set in a world where the Greek Myths are literally true in part because I love the idea of working with classical myths to create my own modern myths.

The second has more to do with my personal reasons for creating art. I'm pretty much wired for creating stories out of thin air. When I was little I did so as part of the elaborate scenarios that constituted much of my playing--I used to build Asgard out of blocks and use my toys to act out the final battle of Ragnaroc. I also used to spend hours in the woods around the farm where I spent summers, playing Robin Hood and other scenarios. If I go too long without writing I will begin to have vivid dreams and wake up spouting off about things like "llamaflage" or a "Connecticut Buffalo in King Heifers Court"--leaking weirdness. Laura's normal response to this is to give me a very patient look and tell me to go write something.

This is a direct quote from my friend Kelly McCullough author of Webmage, Cybermancy, Codespell, and coming out soon MythOS and SpellCrash. He is part of the Interstialis movement if not by direct connection then by the fact that many of the founders are his close friends. He very graciously answered some of my questions about why he writes and what he thinks of the interstialist movement and the reactions to his writing. Laura is Kellys' wife.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Interstitial is a movement in the art community that involves the blending of styles, modernising fantasy mostly. CV is a part of this movement as is a friend who is a writer that i talked to about this, I'm doing this for part of the culture aspect, i also got around to talking to my mom about all of this and she pointed out some very interesting things, for one, notice that the Corn King has the face of a green man? and seems to be a forest god of some sort? but hes the Corn King and corn is a 'new worlds' vegetable that we can all identify with thus interstitial.....

Friday, March 20, 2009


Analisys of THE CORN KING

The corn king is obviusly a figure from mythology, though it was painted in the modern day by CV. It is one of CVs' erlier pieces that has become rather iconic of his work. The CORN KING is not about a specific culture or time period.


lets talk about the CORN KINGS eyes for a bit. They're distant and blue but seem very knowladgabull like he knows what your thinking, very much like a greek god from mythlogy, they are also looking stright at you, peircing almost.

no clue what else i was soposed to do on acount of being gone (and no one told me what i missed)

over and out


Monday, March 16, 2009

day at home

I was sick and couldn't come in to school today so I have no clue if we had to do something today..... (tell me if we did please)
I basically spent my day home on the couch blowing my nose and drinking stuff..... I have a wicked soar throat and can't breathe for the life of me
but I also finished reading a great book called Little Brother it was written by Cory Doctorow, the author of Boing Boing a political blog, it's fantastic and recommend it to all.

Friday, March 13, 2009

coputer lab day 3 blog post.............

today i looked at my picture and some of CV's other stuff and wrote a description which is this:
written description for "The Corn King"

Front and center we have the king him self he is naked and yellow/tan- ish color, from his head he has a crown of trees and in his hands he is holding a piece of corn, in the back ground there are rolling hills and a setting sun.
the colors are warm and remind me of cornucopias, and fall. The mask on the corn king is reminiscent of the Celtic green man, which Vess is noted for.